Lenawee Community Mental Health Authority

Behavioral Psychologist Jobs at Lenawee Community Mental Health Authority

Behavioral Psychologist Jobs at Lenawee Community Mental Health Authority

Sample Behavioral Psychologist Job Description

Behavioral Psychologist

Who is LCMHA?

LCMHA (Lenawee Community Mental Health Authority) provides or manages a full array of services to adults and children with mental health and/or emotional disturbances, persons with substance use disorders, and persons with developmental disabilities. Our mission is to create a path to resilience, recovery, wellness, and self-determination for these individuals.

What would this job entail?

The Behavioral Psychologist coordinates and participates in the delivery of behavioral psychology services. This individual trains staff and serves as a technical advisor to agency staff and provider staff in the application of behavior modification techniques. This individual performs psychological evaluations, administers psychological tests and other psycho-diagnostic assessment instruments for assessment purposes as necessary.

The ideal candidate will be a licensed Master's social worker, licensed counselor, or licensed psychologist. This individual will:

  • Have primary responsibility for managing the activities, staffing, and the daily operations of the Adult MI Services Group;
  • Provide ongoing Utilization Management duties including authorization of services, ensuring medical necessity, and discharge planning when appropriate;
  • Work with Management Team and administration to develop and communicate program outcomes and a plan to achieve the identified outcomes.

The qualifications for this position are:

  • Master's Degree from an accredited program in Social Work, Counseling, or Psychology (and licensure or certification by the State of Michigan) is required.
  • Have education and demonstrated competency in assessment, crisis management and stabilization, and therapeutic care for mentally impaired adults, and individuals who have substance use disorders.
  • Education, training, and at least five (5) years of work experience in the behavioral health field with mentally impaired adults.
  • One year of previous supervisory experience and team management is required; two or more years of experience is preferred.

Why work for LCMHA?

We have been around for over 40 years providing services to some of the most vulnerable members of the Lenawee County community. We feel a responsibility to identify needs and work with our community partners to identify solutions. We have been leaders in implementing system change.

The annualized salary for this position ranges from $57,369 (the starting annual salary) to $74,081 (each based on a 37-1/2 hour work week); the range is based on the number of years of service with the agency.

The benefits package includes:

Employees receive a generous paid leave benefit, and paid leave begins to accrue on an employee's first day of employment; an employee would receive about 22-1/2 paid days off in the first year. The number of paid leave hours an employee accrues is based on length of service; the paid leave time accruing increases after one year, five years, and ten years of employment.

Employees receive scheduled annual salary increases, starting after one year of employment.

Paid Holidays -- LCMHA observes 13 paid holidays per year; employees are eligible for paid holidays as of the first day of employment.

Employees are eligible to enroll in comprehensive medical, dental, and vision insurance on the first day of the month after being hired.

  • Medical insurance: the agency covers:
    • 100% of the cost of medical insurance for two of the plan choices and 98.5% of the cost of medical insurance for the third plan choice (for employees who enroll at the employee-only coverage level).
    • At least 86%of the cost of medical insurance for employees who enroll at the employee-plus-one or family coverage level (depending on the plan selection).
  • Vision insurance: the agency covers 87% of the cost for all coverage levels;
  • Dental insurance: the agency covers 100% of the cost for all coverage levels.

Employees who have medical insurance coverage elsewhere are given a medical insurance opt-out payment.

Long-Term Disability and Life Insurance (at no cost) -- coverage starts on the 91st day of employment.

Retirement Benefits: participation starts on your first day of employment

Current Openings for Behavioral Psychologist Jobs at Lenawee Community Mental Health Authority

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